Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Aimster!

Today is my youngest's daughter's birthday.  Happy 20th, Amy!  The baby of the family, she is no longer a baby, but a beautiful young woman, out on her own and making a difference.  My husband and I will celebrate her birthday tonight.  We're doing it all--dinner, cake, a movie...  What makes it hard is that Amy will not be there with us.  But we'll take pictures and sent them off to Okinawa where Amy is serving in the US Marine Corps.
In Japan it is almost 10:00 PM.  Amy had plans for dinner and a night out with friends.  She is probably enjoying herself right now. It is her roommate's birthday as well, so they are celebrating together, getting all dressed up for a night on the town!  It helps that it's a Friday night and tomorrow is a day off. They can sleep in after a night of partying.

Amy has ridden  a roller coaster of emotions this year--ups and downs, incredible highs and devastating lows.  She has weathered it well, thanks in large part to the friends that surround her, lovingly shoring her up every step of the way.  These are the friends she celebrates with tonight.  They have a lot to celebrate:  birthdays, friendship and just being together.

Thank you to these friends of Amy for being there for her when we could not be there with her physically.  And thank you to Amy, beautiful daughter and wonderful friend!  Many happy returns!  I can't wait to celebrate with you!


Lin said...

There is something special about mother and child on a child's birthday. I think it is a day both celebrate together--if not for very different reasons. Even dad doesn't share in that day like we mom's do. Is there any day more special than the day your long awaited child is born? And do your children realize how important their birthdays are to you? Maybe not until they have children of their own.

I'm glad that your daughter is doing well, coping through a difficult time. It's a blessing that all of this played out before they got too deep into it all. At least there isn't messy legal things to sort out or children to connect them. I know it didn't feel like it at the time.

Best wishes to you both on your special day together. Or not together. :)

Tina said...

wow a birthday near mine yipee! happy bday to your daughter :)

thanks for stopping by from its a womans world- how nice of you, and for your sweet comment.

hope to see you again soon
have great weekend

butterfly woman said...

A nice tribute to your daughter. I like how you will celebrate with dinner and birthday cake in her honor. How sweet. You two seem to have a special relationship. How reassuring to know she has wonderful friends around her to celebrate her special day.
Missed you at Barnes and Noble the other night. The readings went well and there was awesome writing energy. We are planning more readings in the future, hope you'll come.

Petula said...

I hope Amy enjoyed her birthday celebration. God bless her so far away and serving... it's good she has friends there with her. I hope you and your husband had a good time too. It's nice to celebrate even in her absence.

Erin said...

hey mom, I really like your blog! I love you and will talk to you soon!