Sunday, November 2, 2008

So Much Living to Do.

In reading Lin's blog I found out that it's National Blogger's month. Lin put forth the challenge--try to write every day. Well, it's November 2nd, so I'm already one day behind. While my postings may some days be short, I will try my best to write something each day.

It's sometimes difficult for me to find balance in my life. A balance between doing (being productive) and being (being reflective.) I swing like a pendulum from one extreme to the other. Some of this is by choice; some by circumstance. My job tends to have busy days followed by those that are not so busy. Seasons bring there own challenges: holidays requring shopping, vacations requiring planning and packing, and so forth.

These next couple of days I will be busy with both work and election events. Today, I may take time to drive to Indiana, knocking on a few doors in order to get out the vote. Tomorrow will be a busier than usual day at work because I am taking the day off on Tuesday to work the election. It will be an exhausing day, I'm sure. That evening I will go to Grant Park to attend the rally. It's sure to be a late night.

But in spite of the busy-ness, I feel compelled to take time to write. Writing helps to calm my frazzled nerves, giving me the time to relax at least for a few minutes and take time to put things in perspective.

I hope that I will take a few minutes to write each day. Most of it will probably remain completely unedited. Putting my thoughts and feelings into story form helps me to find meaning in both my experiences and emotions. There is so much living to do! But reflecting upon it makes it so much more meaningful. And it creates a record of sorts of all my memories.

1 comment:

Lin said...

Hooray! I'm glad you're in with me on the challenge. There is actually a website for the bloggers who are in for the month of posting It took me forever to register as the numbers of new members wrecked havoc on the site! I hope we can do it! :)